9 october 2019
collective intelligence driven civic start-up that develops participatory applications.
Requests waterfall
Allows clients to ask what they want.
Easily aggregate data from multiple sources.
Uses a type system to describe the data.
Declarative Data-Binding
Declare the data your components need with GraphQL, Relay determines how and when to fetch your data.
GraphQL is written next to the views that rely on them. Relay aggregates queries into efficient network requests.
Write GraphQL mutations and Relay offers automatic data consistency, optimistic updates, and error handling.
Global Object Identification
A mechanism for storing and refetching an object.
Consistent abstractions for bi-directional pagination.
Input Object Mutations
Structure around mutations to make them predictable.
A set of 3 additional conventions to adopt on a GraphQL server.
import {createFragmentContainer, graphql} from 'react-relay';
class UserAvatar extends React.Component {
render() {
const { user } = this.props;
return (
<img alt={user.username} src={user.avatarUrl} />
export default createFragmentContainer(UserAvatar, {
user: graphql`
fragment UserAvatar_user on User {
Use fragments everywhere and Relay will make sure every components has the data that they need. 👍
Data requirements are colocated with components.
Relay uses data masking (each component only see what it asked for), it improves reusability, refactoring and deleting code.
🔥 Fragments Containers.
🔥 Composing Fragments
class UserProfile extends React.Component {
render() {
const {user} = this.props;
return (
<span>Inscrit le {user.createdAt}</span>
<UserAvatar user={user} />
export default createFragmentContainer(UserProfile, {
user: graphql`
fragment UserProfile_user on User {
Automate the boring pagination logic, only provides a loadMore method.
For all other use cases:
sorting, filtering, loading more details, refreshing…
Provides a refetch method.
A Relay app always starts with a QueryRenderer and a tree of containers either fragments, refetch or pagination.
QueryRenderers can be rendered anywhere that a React component can be rendered.
import React from 'react';
import {graphql, QueryRenderer} from 'react-relay';
import { environment } from './environment';
import UserProfile from './UserProfile';
const App = () => (
query ViewerQuery {
viewer {
render={({error, props}) => {
if (error) {
return <div>Error!</div>;
if (!props) {
return <div>Loading...</div>;
return <UserProfile user={props.viewer} />;
QueryRenderer will fetch GraphQL data and pass that to render props.
QueryRenderer handles the state for loading, success and failure. 👌
It needs a Relay Environment which bundles together the configuration, cache storage, and network-handling that Relay needs in order to operate. ⚙️
The Relay Store is how Relay stores data of all fragments and queries. All records/nodes are normalized in the store, this is why we need a unique and global ID for each record.
const mutation = graphql`
mutation AddCommentVoteMutation(
$input: AddCommentVoteInput!
) {
addCommentVote(input: $input) {
voteEdge {
node {
contribution {
const variables = { commentId: '1234'};
const onCompleted = () => { console.log('Done !') };
commitMutation(environment, {
Relay will automatically update the fields on the records referenced in the mutation response (using ids).
Relay re-renders live components with data updates.
You can also use an updater function for complex cases, or avoiding to ask a huge mutation payload.
Use commitMutation to create and execute mutations.
const optimisticResponse = {
addCommentVote: {
voteEdge: {
node: {
contribution: {
id: variables.input.commentId,
viewerHasVote: true
You can also use an optimisticUpdater function for complex cases.
Update the store before the mutation request has completed.
commitLocalUpdate(environment, store => {
const dataID = this.props.comment.id;
// Update a value from store
const commentProxy = store.get(dataID);
commentProxy.setValue(new DateTime(), 'deletedAt');
// Or delete node form the store
How to replace Redux with Relay
The Relay compiler validates your queries against your GraphQL schema and enforces strict naming.
It will optimise all your queries and fragments, so you can have a great DX without losing performance 🔥
It emits types for your fragment's fields selections and queries variables and responses.
Relay compiler plugins (typescript, flow and reasons) support
import type { ExampleFragment_artist }
from "__generated__/ExampleFragment_artist.graphql"
const component = (props: { artist: ExampleFragment_artist }) => (
<div>About the artist: {props.artist.biography}</div>
export const ExampleFragment = createFragmentContainer(
artist: graphql`
fragment ExampleFragment_artist on Artist {
❤️ without the maintenance cost ❤️
Destroying the "Relay is hard" myth
Relay is an opinionated framework for building user interfaces.
😍 Remove most of data fetching code.
🚆 Optimistic UI and cached data.
✅ Generate Flow/Typescript typings using the strongly-typed schema.
We work hard to update our democracy (with Relay)… 👍
Aurélien David - @spyl94 - spyl.net - [email protected]
Slides: spyl.net/slides/mobitalk-2019